Barrington Community Theatre
Barrington Community Theatre
B.E.S.T. 2024 - Session 2 (Advanced Program)
Death of a Dead Guy
by William L. Bowman
Directed by Kelly McCabe and Jen Greffin
B.E.S.T. 2024 - Session 1
Fractured Fairy Tales
by Jan Peterson Ewen
Directed by Jen Greffin
Spring Session 2024
Little Women
Adapted my Marisha Chaimberlain
from the novel by Louisa May Alcott
Directed by Kendal Bazerman
Scene Studies from
The Odd Couple by Neil Simon
and The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)
Mother Goosed
by Jason Pizzarello
Directed by Kelly McCabe
The 10 Best/Worst Things About High School
by M. G. Davidson
Directed by Charlotte Mento
Winter Session 2024
Twelfth Night
By William Shakespeare
Adapted and Directed by Kelly McCabe
by Lindsay Price
Directed by Kelly McCabe
Adapted and Destroyed: A Tale of Storytelling Gone Wrong
By Ian McWethy
Directed by Lisa Viall
Fall Session Showcase 2023
The Amusing Dating Life of Apollo
Written and Directed by Charlotte Mento
How To Get Away With A Murder Mystery
by Don Zolidis
directed by Kelly McCabe
Will You Be My Nemesis?
by Kathryn Funkhouser
directed by Arek Schneyer
Summer Session 2 2023
The Norse Mythology Ragnaspolsion!
by Don Zolidis
directed by Jen Greffin
Summer Session 1 2023 Showcase
We're Not Just Good-Lookin'
by Jan Peterson Ewen
directed by Elora Dinae
A Series of Monologues
from Cool Characters for Kids
by Janet b. Milsteinand
The Auditioners by Doug Rand
Snow White Lite
by Jacob Dorndirected
by Kelly McCabe
produced through arrangement with Pioneer Drama
Pirates of the Salty Dog
by Toby Otero
directed by Kelly McCabe
produced through arrangement with Play-Dead
Spring 2023 Showcase
A Simple Task
by Alan Haehnel
directed by Jake Whitman
produced through arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.
by William Shakespeare
adapted and directed by Kelly McCabe
With Great Power
Comes Ordinary Responsibility
by Ian McWethy
directed by Willow Rathbone
produced through arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.
The Entire American Revolution
(in 40 minutes or less)
by Eddie McPhearson
directed by Lisa Viall
produced through arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service
Winter 2023 Showcase
A Nuther Thing
by Alan Haehnel
Directed by Jake Whitman
Produced through arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.
I, Chorus
by Ian McWethy Directed
by Lisa Viall
Produced through arrangement with Theatrefolk
The Mysterious Case
of the Mysterious Case
by Paul MeldonDirected
by Kelly McCabe
Produced through arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service
The Actor's Nightmare
by Christopher Durang
Directed by Kelly McCabe
Produced through arrangement with Dramatists Play Service
Fall 2022
Grim and Gruesome Grimm
by Mrs Evelyn Merritt
Directed by Lisa Viall
Produced through arrangement with Theatrefolk
Five Stages
Written and Directed by Willow Rathbone
How to Get Into College
by Don Zolidis
Directed by Nicolo DeCarvalho
Produced through arrangement with the author
The Tempest
Adapted by Craig Mason
Directed by Jake Whitman
Produced through arrangement with Theatrefolk
Summer 2022, Session 2
Sci-Fi Scenes and Monster Dreams
A Collection of scenes by Jan Peterson Ewen
Directed by Kelly McCabe
Summer 2022, Session 1
Knock Knock
by Kathryn Funkhouser & Jason Pizzarello
Directed by Jake Whitman
Scene studies directed by Kelly McCabe
Just a Trim
by Laurie Allen
Scene from The Odd Couple (female version)
by Neil Simon
Spring 2022
Spring Showcase
June 10 & 11 @ 7pm
The Day the Internet Died
by Ian McWethy & Jason Pizzarello
directed by Lisa Viall
Shakespeare Scene Study
cut and directed by Kelly McCabe
A Midsummer Night's Dream
by William Shakespeare
cut and directed by Kelly McCabe
June 17 & 18 @ 7pm
Outdoor Community Performance June 19 @ 2pm
***All-Ages Production!!***
Winter 2022
10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse
by Don Zolidis
directed by Kelly McCabe
They Eat Sunshine, Not Zebras
by Dara Murphy
Directed by Lisa Viall
The Stowaway
by Del Martin & Jason Pizzarello
directed by Kelly McCabe
Fall 2021
adapted by Lisa Viall from the story by Dante Alighieri
Directed by Lisa Viall
by Don Zolidis
directed by Kelly McCabe
Summer 2021 Session 2
The Day The Crayons Quit
The Day The Crayons Returned
dramatizations of the books
by Drew Daywalt & Oliver Jeffers
Directed by Lisa Viall
Nobody Famous
by D.M. Larson
directed by Jen Greffin
Flavor of the Week
Bubble Wrap
Summer 2021 Session 1
Babysitting at the Mansion
by Tom Viall
Directed by Jen Greffin
Lobster Thermador
by Tom Viall
directed by Lisa Viall
by D. M. Larson
directed by Kelly McCabe
The Waltz
by Dorothy Parker
directed by Kelly McCabe
Spring (Virtual) Session 2021
Jane Austen - Completely Zoomed
by Trevor Baring
directed by Kelly McCabe
Winter (Virtual) Session 2021
Scenes from Animals
by Kevin Broccoli
Power Line: The Story of Me, Mario, and Your Mom
by Don Zolidis
directed by Kelly McCabe
Fall (Virtual) Session 2020
Help Desk
by Don Zolidis
directed by Lisa Viall
Game of Tiaras (Stay-At-Home Edition)
by Don Zolidis
directed by Kelly McCabe
Shows produced through arrangement with
Spring 2020
10 Ways To Survive Life in a Quarantine
by Don Zolidis
directed by Kelly McCabe
BEST (summer) 2020
Exploration of Historical Theatre Elements
-The Tragedy of Little Red Riding Hood
a re-telling of a classic tale, adapted by the camp
directed by Jennifer Greffin
-Original scenes featuring a chorus (by the campers)
-Lazzi scenes
-Various Shakespearean scene studies
Variations on a Prompt
various original works based on a given, shared prompt
-Bookend-Line Scenes
first and last line as shared prompt
-"George is Dead"
exploring different perspectives
-Picture Prompt
scenes and monologues inspired by a given image
(prompt from Scene-Spurs by Lindsay Price)
Winter 2020
Chemo Girl
by Christian Kiley
directed by Lisa Viall Mento
Ths Phne 2.0
by Lindsay Price
directed by Kelly Mccabe
Talk About A Murder
by Lee Mueller
directed by Kelly McCabe
Fall 2019
by Raymond Blakesley
directed by Kelly McCabe
Absolutely Aesop
by Lou Treleaven
directed by Lisa Viall Mento
Shuddersome: Tales of Poe
by Lindsay Price
directed by Kelly McCabe
Summer 2019 - Session 2
A Simpler Time
by Jonathan Dorf, Tyler Dwiggins, Claire Epstein,
Kathryn Funkhouser, Patrick Greene, Mora V. Harris,
Ian McWethy, Carrie McWethy (McCrossen),
& Don Zolidis
directed by Lisa Viall Mento
The Myths At The Edge of the World
by Matthew Webster
directed by Jennifer Greffin
Summer 2019 - Session 1
by Lindsay Price
directed by Kelly McCabe
Virtual Family
by Christian Kiley
directed by Amit Bhatia
The Adventurers' Club
by Damian Woods
directed by Lisa Viall Mento
Spring 2019
by William Shakespeare
Directed and adapted by Kelly McCabe
The Lorax
by Dr Seuss
Directed by Charlene Pratt
A Series of Scene Studies
Directed by Kelly McCabe
Winter 2019
The Greek Mythology Olympiaganza (Full Length)
by Don Zolidis
directed by Kelly McCabe
Mutually Assured Destruction:
10 Plays About Brothers and Sisters
by Don Zolidis
directed by Lisa Mento
Fall 2018
10 Ways to Survive the End of the World
by Don Zolidis
directed by Kelly McCabe
A Comedy of Terrible Errors
by Don Zolidis
directed by Lisa Mento
Summer Session 2 - 2018
by Don Zolidis
directed by Kelly McCabe, Lisa Mento, Jennifer Greffin, and Amit Bhatia
Summer Session 1 - 2018
Assorted scenes and monologues, including excerpts from The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) by Adam Long, Daniel Singer, and Jess Winfield
directed by Kelly McCabe, Lisa Mento, and Jennifer Greffin
Spring 2018
by Kevin Broccoli
The Monologue Show (From Hell)
by Don Zolidis
Directed by Kelly McCabe
Winter 2017-2018
How to Win at Life
by Don Zolidis
Holka Polka - A Fairy Tale Mystery
by D. M. Larson
Directed by Kelly McCabe and Lisa Mento
Fall 2017
Check Please
by Jonathan Rand
directed by Jacob Whitman
Juliet and This Guy Romeo
by Don Zolidis
directed by Ashley Moore
Happily Ever After
by George Halitzka
directed by Emma Freel
Appropriate Audience Behavior
by Ian McWethy
directed by Kelly McCabe
Summer Session 2 - 2017
Assorted scenes, short plays, and dramatic readings of song lyrics.
Featuring the premiere of Babysitting The Mansion by Thomas Viall
Directed by Lisa Viall, Kelly McCabe, and Jennifer Greffin
Summer Session 1 - 2017
Assorted Scenes, Monologues and Short Plays
directed by Kelly McCabe, Lisa Mento, and Jennifer Greffin
Assorted Scenes, Monologues and Short Plays
directed by Kelly McCabe, Lisa Mento, and Jennifer Greffin
Spring 2017
Mother Goosed
by Jason Pizzarello
directed by Meagan Pezzelli
The Distracted Scholars Guide to Literature and Drama
by Peter Bloedel
directed by Ashley Moore
The Auditioners
by Doug Rand
directed by Shy Pratt
The Truth About Dinosaurs
by Jim Knable
directed by Kelly McCabe
Pirates of the Cafeteria
by Jen Silverman
directed by Shy Pratt
It's a Wonderful Neverland
by Patrick Greene and Jason Pizzarello
directed by Elana Sheinkopf
Everyone Gets Eaten by Sharks
by Marshall Pailet
directed by Lisa Mento
Winter 2016 - 2017
Fall Session 2016
The Internet is Distract - OH LOOK A KITTEN!
by Ian McWethy
directed by Lisa Mento
Monologues from "Acting Natural"
(a collection by Peg Kehret)
directed by Shy Pratt
Featuring: "Letter from Camp" & "Happy Endings"
Rapunzel Uncut
by Mariah Everman
directed by Ashley Moore
Charming Princes
by Emily C. A. Snyder
directed by Shy Pratt
Summer Session 2 - 2016
by Jonathan Rand
directed by Kelly McCabe & Abby Hurley
featuring "Space Switch"
by Kristen Dabrowski
directed by Lisa Mento
Summer Session 1 - 2016
Lobster Thermador
by Thomas Viall
directed by Lisa Mento
Captain Average
written and directed by Abby Hurley
Bad Ideas for Bad
Television Shows
by Don Zolidis
directed by Emma Freel
Sorry, Wrong Number
by Lucille Fletcher
directed by Arek Schneyer
When Shakespeare's Ladies Meet
by Charles George
directed by Isabelle Giuttari
12 Incompetent Jurors
by Ian McWethy
directed by Luc Sahar
Variations on a Theme
by Ed Monk
directed by Meagan Pezzelli
The Actor's Nightmare
by Christopher Durang
directed by Lisa Mento
Winter Session 2015-2016
Jack vs. Jill
by Dustin Robert Blakeman
directed by Maureen "Momo" McCarthy
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Bard?
material by William Shakespeare
adapted and directed by Kelly McCabe
It's Not You, It's Me
by Don Zolidis
directed by Emma Freel
Note To Self
by Bradley Hayward
directed by Page Baldwin
Fall Session 2015
Bad Auditions by Bad Actors
by Ian McWethy
Directed by Maureen "Momo" McCarthy
A casting director has one day to find the leads for a community theater production of Romeo and Juliet. But what seems like a simple task proves impossible when the pool of actors includes extreme method actors, performers who just don't know what to do with their hands, and one particular woman who may or may not think she's a cat. This hilarious comedy will bring you to the last place you'd ever want to be...behind the doors of a casting session.
21 Guaranteed Ways to Get Detention
(Even When Your Principal Doesn't Want To Give You One)
by Ian McWethy
Directed by Luc Sahar
The quota is clear: the principal of McKinley Grove High School and her two new assistants can't give out more than twenty detentions per year. But this student body breaks the rules in such ridiculous ways, they might hit the maximum in just one day. Meet the world's most obvious cheater, a ruthless Girl Scout cookie mogul, the captain of the Cat Football League, and many more in this cavalcade of hilariously bad behavior.
The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales
based on the book by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith
by John Glore
Directed by Page Baldwin
Though the characters may be familiar, each of your favorite storybook fables is uproariously derailed in this adaptation of Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith's quintessential children's book of fractured fairy tales. Everything from "Chicken Little" to "The Gingerbread Man" gets a complete makeover. Fun music and witty narration accompany the likes of ineloquent giants, sassy barnyard animals, colossal cow pies, and enough stinky cheese to go around.
But We Don't
by Alan Haehnel
Directed by Kelly McCabe
A group of students ask themselves the simple question, "Why not do all the things we possibly could?," and soon find that the answer is anything but simple. An unconventional and intriguing exploration of desires and hesitations.
Summer Session 2 - 2015
Penelope, Pride of the Pickle Factory
By Betty Tracy Huff
Directed by Judy dePerla
Can you hold this for me?
Written and Directed by Abigail Hurley
Growing Up Is Hard To Do
A Fine Line Between Love and Hate
& Juliet Tryouts
By Laurie Allen
Standard Answers
By Peg Kehret
Directed by Page Baldwin
Fractured Fairytales
By Jan Peterson Ewen
Directed by Kelly McCabe and Gabby Hellmann
Summer Session 1 - 2015
By Joshua Mikel
Directed by Abby Hurley
A friendly game of pirates becomes all too real when overzealous Theodore accidentally falls into a giant sinkhole and wakes up to find himself amongst real high sea swashbucklers. Before getting back to the real world, he is forced on an epic journey with his companion Harriet the Ghost in a quest to find the notorious pirate Weird Beard and foil the mutinous Mr. Clunky Bones. Will Theodore be able to save Captain Cramp Hand's ship from falling into evil clutches and return to his friends in time for ice cream?
How To Succeed in High School Without Really Trying
By Jonathan Rand
Directed by Will Hicks
Want to know the easiest way to make it through the grueling abyss known as high school? A group of student agents infiltrate an assembly to demonstrate their secret tips and tricks, ranging from legally changing your name to get around roll call, to using Tom Cruise to help memorize science terms. High school will never be the same.
A Simple Task
By Alan Haehnel
Directed by Chris Finn
Empie has a simple first assignment at her new job: Retrieve a box of merchandise for the Boss. But what do you do when the box is blocked by a parade of confusing characters, your Boss keeps changing identities, and your whole career starts to feel absurd?
In addition to structured plays, on the Saturday night of performances students/campers performed short improv scenes and works they created themselves.
Spring Session 2015
Enter Bogart
by Jacqueline Goldfinger and Jennifer MacMillan
Directed by Charlene "Shy" Pratt
Sam is a high school freshman who walks, talks, and dresses like Humphrey Bogart's popular 1930s private eye character, Sam Spade. Shunned at school as a freak, Sam finds a chance to redeem herself in the eyes of the student body when the biology teacher is suspiciously gnawed to death by the freshman class goldfish. As Sam gathers clues, she also acquires a circle of friends who will not only assist her in solving the mystery -- they'll help her figure out how to survive high school.
Fair and Foul
Written and Directed by Isabelle Giuttari
Set in the olden days of Scotland, the characters from Shakespeare's Macbeth unite around a common goal; to get women the vote. Hilarity ensues when nothing, not even gender switches and dead bodies can shake these suffragettes from their mission.
by Ian McWethy
Directed by Kelly McCabe
For superheroes, saving the world is tough, but the time spent away from work is tougher. The Hulk has to do taxes, a crime-fighting sidekick joins a support group, and Batman goes stir-crazy without enough criminals to take down. SUPERHEROES is a funny, fast-paced series of vignettes that explores how the caped crusaders deal with life in street clothes.
Graduation for Dummies!
by Ian McWethy
Directed by Aidan Robichaux
It's almost graduation day, and Principal Pasey is confident that a group of near-high school graduates will manage to walk across a stage, shake hands, and accept their diplomas. Just to make sure, he holds an assembly to explain the basics. But between displays of extreme stage fright, "creative" walking techniques, and a student who refuses to part with her air horn, it quickly becomes clear that the zany kids in this graduating class are nowhere near ready to don their caps and gowns!
Winter Session 2014-2015
The NSA's Guide to Winning Friends and Influencing People
Or, What We've Learned from Watching You
by Don Zolidis
Directed by Kelly McCabe
Having trouble as the new kid in school? Unlucky in love? Feeling like everyone hates you? You're in luck! Now you can use the National Security Agency's techniques of wiretapping, code-breaking, and data mining to get ahead! There's no time like the present to embrace the surveillance state...because the surveillance state is already embracing you.
Going to School
by Ed Monk
Directed by Jacob Whitman
Nick is going off to college for the first time. The only problem is, his family is taking him -- his mother worries he will starve to death, his father forgot his tuition check, his teenage sister doesn't see why she has to go, his younger sister just wants to go to her ballet recital, and his grandmother "don't hear so good no more." It's going to be a fun day.
13 Ways to Screw Up Your College Interview
by Ian McWethy
Directed by Charlene "Shy" Pratt
When two college recruiters at a prestigious university need to fill one last spot to keep their jobs, thirteen eccentric, dimwitted and slightly-insane high school seniors are eager to come in for an interview. What seems like a simple task turns into a nightmare when the applicants turn out to be a reality TV star, a practicing vampire, an amateur magician, and others that are much, much worse. Each applicant's interview hilariously illustrates what NOT to do at a college interview.
That's Not How I Remember It
by Don Zolidis
Directed by Allie Ray and Page Baldwin
Mom and Dad love to tell the story of how they met in 1986 -- "pretty much the most awesome year ever." Trouble is, they remember their courtship completely differently. Mom's version makes their meeting sound like a sappy romantic comedy while Dad somehow makes himself the star of a karate battle. This tubular one-act is a crazy homage to bad 80s movies and the inadequacies of memory.
Fall Session 2014
Every Christmas Story Ever Told (And Then Some!)
by John K. Alvarez, Michael Carleton and James FitzGerald
Directed by Kelly McCabe
Instead of performing Charles Dickens' beloved holiday classic for the umpteenth time, [five] actors decide to perform every Christmas story ever told -- plus Christmas traditions from around the world, seasonal icons from ancient times to topical pop-culture, and every carol ever sung. A madcap romp through the holiday season!
Little Women
adapted by Marisha Chamberlain
from the novel by Louisa May Alcott
Directed by Shy Pratt
Under the guidance of their beloved mother, the four young March sisters -- tempestuous Jo, motherly Meg, shy Beth, and spoiled baby Amy -- struggle to keep their family going while Father's away in the Civil War. In this beautifully dramatized adaptation of the classic novel, even as privation, illness, and sibling rivalry cast their shadows, each girl strives to find her true self.
by Ed Monk
Directed by Joe Ash
A group of actors rehearses a play within a play within a play. As the plot complications multiply, the actors begin to forget who is playing whom and who is the real director -- as opposed to the actor who is playing the director, or vice versa. Then they can't seem to remember who they really are, as opposed to the people they are playing in any of the various scripts. Then things start to get confusing...
So You Wanna Be a Cheerleader
by M. G. Davidson
Directed by Brian Pereira
When cheerleading captain Britney and her three squad members Britnee, Brittani, and, uh, Kevin...realize they have to find a fifth squad member to be eligible to compete at Nationals, they decide to hold tryouts to see who in their school is up to the challenge. After a series of terrible tryouts, each one more hilarious and absurd than the last, it's clear that everyone wants to be a cheerleader. But how can you choose from a talent pool that includes a football player with a head injury, an eccentric goth girl, a nerd with a vendetta, gorilla? This screwball comedy asks the eternal question of our time: So You Wanna Be a Cheerleader?
Summer Session 2 - 2014
Alice @ Wonderland by Jonathn Yukich
Directed by Sean Carufel and Allie Meek
What would happen if a 21st century Alice collided with Lewis Carroll’s legendary Wonderland? This modern retelling of the classic children’s story has all of the characters you know and love, including the Mad Hatter, the White Rabbit and the Queen of Hearts. The story is laid out in traditional style, except that Alice is distinctly contemporary, complete with cell phone in hand.
The 39 Steps: A Live Radio Play by Joe Landry
Directed by Casey Turgeon
Inspired by Hitchcock's classic tale and performed as a live period radio play, this romantic thriller is a fast-paced ride through the signature world of the Master of Suspense. Richard Hannay is visiting 1930s London when he meets Annabella Smith, who is on the run from foreign agents, after a disturbance at a music hall. Later that night, Annabella is murdered and Hannay must then try to break the spy ring and prove his innocence. From an epic train chase to a feisty love interest, Hannay has his work cut out for him as he searches for the truth about The 39 Steps.
Animals by Kevin Broccoli
Directed by Kelly McCabe
Penguins discussing global warming. Bears discussing hibernation. A cat with a distinct philosophy on life.
Science Project by Nicole Quinn
Directed by Kelly McCabe
Students discuss the results of their failed science project: Earth.
Summer Session 1 - 2014
The 10 Worst Breakups of All Time by Ian McWethy
Directed by Sean Carufel
You think your breakup was bad? Eve Tonsil, an employee of the nonprofit company "Relationships for a Better Tomorrow" is here to take you on a tour of the nine worst breakups of all time, from the Cro-Magnon era to the Civil War, to a smattering of modern-day breakups. A comedy that proves that no matter how hard someone has stomped on your could always be worse.
Cinderella: The Untold Story by John O'Hara
Directed by Isabelle Giuttari
Mentor: Kelly McCabe
A fairytale wedding of the fake Cinderella and Prince Charming comes to a screeching halt when O'Reilly, a fairy tale fixer, breaks it up to reveal the true, untold story. In zany, fast-paced action, the fake couple is replaced by a Cinderella that's conveniently been sitting in the audience in costume, and an unprince-like character named Chip. The real Cinderella and newly-christened Prince Chip meet at the ball and fall in "like" instantaneously. However, to save the ending and become Prince Chip's true love, Cinderella must battle other classic princesses, such as Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and even The Little Mermaid.
Anna and August by Don Zolidis
Directed by Abby Hurley
Anna is the smartest girl in the school. She's also a purple belt in Tae Kwon Do and has a devastating punch. Strangely enough, she has trouble meeting boys. Except one: August, who seems to appreciate her weirdness. Unfortunately, the course of weird love never did run smooth.
To Date or Not to Date by Jason Pizzarello and Maria Pizzarello
Directed by Allie Meek
Shakespearean worlds collide as the Bard's most famous characters go out on blind dates with each other. Can Romeo woo Lady Macbeth before she goes mad? Will Juliet marry King Lear or will her Nurse stand in the way? How will Joan of Arc inspire Hamlet to finally take action? Can Bottom really date all three witches at the same time? Hosted by waiter Puck, To Date or Not to Date is a wild ride of unlikely matchups and unexpected romances.
Spring Session 2014
The Sequence by Vincent Delaney
Directed by Charlene Pratt
~ One hundred years from now humans are living in sealed domes, where everything from the climate to the clothes they wear is genetically engineered. Along with other youths in this society, a girl named Kim faces a fateful day: the reading of her genome. The results will decide her career, friendship, and even who she will marry. Those who show flaws are kicked out of the system, and on Kim's big day, the unthinkable happens. Are her "flaws" a curse, or a blessing?
Lupe & The F Train Monster by Marco Ramirez
The Scary Question by Wayne S. Rawley
Directed by Sean Carufel
~ Young video-gamer Lupe rides the F train by herself every day. She may be a game master, but in real life, she's never done anything extraordinary. That is, until the infamous F Train Monster chooses Lupe as his nemesis in battle -- and she's got to use all her skills to survive.
~ Brian loves Linda. Linda loves Brian. But when Brian gets down on bended knee and pops an important question, it isn't exactly the one Linda expected. Now the two face a serious and scary discussion about their relationship...and Zombies.
Waking Sleeping Beauty by Ross Mihalko & Donna Swift
Directed by Molly Littman
(mentor: Sean Carufel)
~ Everyone is invited to the party celebrating the birth of the new princess -- everyone, that is, except Mathilda, an oddball fairy notorious for her snorting laugh, mismatched socks, and terrible gifts. Sure enough, when she shows up anyway to present an enchanted spinning wheel, it turns out to be cursed, causing Princess Aurora to fall into an enchanted sleep until she's awakened by true love's kiss. Will Mathilda find the princess's true love, Prince Fauntleroy, in time to awaken her, or will the plans of his jealous brother Prince Balderdash prevail?
I Don't Want to Talk About It* by Bradley Hayward
Directed by Allie Ray
(mentor: Kelly McCabe)
~ Being a teenager is hard, and nobody wants to talk about it. Confronting the daily challenges of growing up, this series of monologues and scenes offers a look at a multitude of issues -- including dealing with parents who just don't get it, rumors, bullying, and suicide. By turns funny and tragic, the gritty details of adolescence surface -- exposing the things teenagers can't, won't, and don't want to talk about.
*Please be advised that this show is rated PG13
Winter Session 2013-2014
Check Please by Jonathan Rand
Directed by Joel Hellmann
Dating can be hard. Especially when your date happens to be a raging kleptomaniac, or your grandmother's bridge partner, or a mime. Check Please follows a series of blind dinner dates that couldn't get any worse -- until they do. Could there possibly be a light at the end of the tunnel?
Brief Interveiws with Internet Cats by Patrick Greene
Directed by Shy Pratt
Celebrity interviewer Ian McWorthy has a dream line-up for tonight's episode of the World Wide Window: a veritable litterful of felines whose internet antics have catapulted them to fame. In this fast-paced series of hilarious interviews, Ian uncovers the story behind Tuffy's first dramatic foray into a cardboard box, learns just what makes Nelson the Grouchy Cat so very, very grouchy, contends with the diva-like antics of Kitty Boo Boo and her entourage, and so much more. So stay tuned! Things are bound to get a little...hairy.
The Fortune Cookie by Tuan Phan
Directed by Sean Carufel
A philosophical argument about fortune cookies leads a university student to flights of farcical fantasy.
Beauty and the Beast by Timothy Mason
Directed by Kelly McCabe
In this mysterious, gorgeous adaptation, Beauty and her Beast exist in a shadowy world of magic and poetry, and extremes of light and dark, cold and heat, pain and joy. Beauty must leave behind her beloved father, adventure-hungry brothers, and uproariously self-absorbed sisters, entering a dark castle filled with strange mute servants obedient to their beastly master. The story tests the nature and the limits of physical beauty, as she finally looks beyond the Beast's ugliness and understands her transforming love for him.
Please note that this is not a complete list of all shows produced by Barrington Community Theater
The program was founded in 2003